12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics Aussie 2024: A Festive Aussie Twist

12 Days of Christmas Lyrics Aussie 2024: A Festive Aussie Twist


In this auspicious occasion, we are delighted to delve into the intriguing topic related to 12 Days of Christmas Lyrics Aussie 2024: A Festive Aussie Twist. Let’s weave interesting information and offer fresh perspectives to the readers.

Video about 12 Days of Christmas Lyrics Aussie 2024: A Festive Aussie Twist

12 Days of Christmas Lyrics Aussie 2024: A Festive Aussie Twist

Twelve Days of Christmas Aussie Style - Australian Song - All Down Under

As the holiday season approaches, the beloved Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" takes on a uniquely Australian flavor with its own set of iconic local references. Join us as we explore the 12 days of Christmas with an Aussie twist, complete with lyrics and a festive Aussie spin on each verse.

On the First Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A kookaburra in a gum tree

The iconic kookaburra, with its distinctive laugh, sets the scene for the first day of Christmas in Australia. Picture a kookaburra perched in the branches of a towering gum tree, its raucous call echoing through the Aussie bush.

On the Second Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Two turtle doves

Turtle doves may not be a common sight in Australia, but their inclusion in the carol adds a touch of international flair. Imagine two turtle doves cooing softly in the background, adding a gentle melody to the festive atmosphere.

On the Third Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Three French hens

French hens might seem out of place in the Australian outback, but they represent the country’s diverse cultural heritage. Picture three elegant French hens strutting around a farmyard, their plumage shimmering in the sunlight.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Four calling birds

Calling birds, or butcherbirds, are a familiar sight and sound in Australia. Imagine four butcherbirds perched on a fence post, their melodious calls filling the air with festive cheer.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Five golden rings

Golden rings are a timeless symbol of love and commitment, and in Australia, they take on a special significance. Picture five golden rings adorned with intricate Aboriginal designs, representing the country’s rich cultural heritage.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Six white boomers

White boomers, or white ibis, are a common sight in Australian cities. Imagine six white boomers circling overhead, their distinctive white plumage contrasting against the blue sky.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Seven squawking swans

Black swans, with their graceful necks and elegant plumage, are a symbol of Australia’s natural beauty. Picture seven black swans gliding across a tranquil lake, their squawking calls adding to the festive symphony.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Eight milking maids

Milking maids may not be a common sight in modern Australia, but they represent the country’s agricultural heritage. Picture eight milking maids in traditional dress, tending to their cows in a picturesque dairy farm.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Nine ladies dancing

Dancing is an integral part of Australian culture, from the traditional Aboriginal corroboree to modern dance styles. Picture nine ladies dancing gracefully, their movements reflecting the country’s vibrant and diverse dance heritage.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Ten lords a-leaping

Lords a-leaping might seem like an odd addition to the Aussie Christmas carol, but it adds a touch of playful whimsy. Picture ten lords in elegant attire, leaping and bounding with joy, adding a touch of merriment to the festive season.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Eleven pipers piping

Bagpipes are a beloved instrument in Australia, especially in the Scottish community. Imagine eleven pipers playing their bagpipes, their music filling the air with a lively and festive rhythm.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Twelve drummers drumming

Drumming is an essential part of many Australian Indigenous cultures. Picture twelve drummers beating their drums with passion and energy, their rhythmic beats echoing the heartbeat of the nation.


The "12 Days of Christmas" with an Aussie twist captures the unique spirit and diversity of Australia. From the kookaburra in the gum tree to the black swans gliding across the lake, each verse celebrates the country’s iconic wildlife, cultural heritage, and festive traditions. As we sing this beloved carol this Christmas season, let us embrace the Aussie spirit and share the joy and warmth of the festive season with all.

Twelve Days Of Christmas (Aussie Version) - YouTube Australian 12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics Australian version of the song Twelve Days of Christmas  Twelve days of christmas, Australian
Australian 12 Days of Christmas Song Lyrics - Twinkl The Australian Twelve Days Of Christmas - Illustrated by Heath McKenzie - Let's Sing Along - YouTube Printable Lyrics 12 Days Of Christmas
Printable Lyrics 12 Days Of Christmas 12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics Printable With Pictures


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